Friday, February 10, 2012

The Simple Machines Fashion Show xD

The Simple Machine Project Runway was fun. I made a necklace and earrings out of junk! That's something i never thought I would be able to say. My earrings are made from an 8-track player. I put zebra print duct tape to make it prettyful though (:. I also put a lot of different colored glitter on the duct tape after that. I think they turned out well. The necklace I made contains wedges, screws, springs, and gears, as the simple machines. I also put colorful beads to space out the simple machines that I put on it. Gears can be found in things such as, bikes and clocks. Wedges can be for doorstops. Screws hold together wooden objects. And springs can be found in things like mattresses, wind-up toys, and jack-in-the-boxes. I didn't really have inspiration to make the jewelry...


  1. I thought your neckalace was cool.

  2. Your necklace was awesome. It was very funky, which I believe is trendy at the moment :) Your blog did a nice job of explaining the simple machines that were used to make your necklace.

  3. I loved your necklace also. Very cool!
