Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog 5- simple machines at home (:

In STEM, we were given an assignment to go home and take pictures of ourselves with the six simple machines: pulley, lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, and the screw. I did my pictures with the tuning keys on my guitar, the wheel on my mom's van, a knife, a pair of scissors, and a cord from my light in my bedroom to the other side of the room.

This is a picture of the power cord in my room. It represents a pulley. Pulleys are used to make lifting things easier. You can find pulleys in a lot of machinery.

This is a picture of the wheel on my mom's van. It represents a wheel and axle. Wheels and axles make things move easier than without them. You can find wheels and axles in cars, door knobs, machinery.

This picture is of the steps outside my house. They signify an inclined plane. Inclined planes make steep things into smaller increments that are easier to walk up or push something up. You can find inclined planes anywhere, from stairs to hills to ramps.

This picture is of scissors. It represents a lever. Levers are used to make lifting heavy things easier. Levers are used in scissors and nail clippers.

This picture is of my guitar's tuning keys. The tuning keys are screws. Screws make holding things together easy.

This simple machine is a wedge. Wedges are things such as knives, axes, and doorstops. Wedges are used to force or push things apart.

These simple machines were all found in, or around my house. There were many more examples of simple machines that I could have chose, but I thought these were easier to do because they were right there and obvious. I bet if you thought about it, you could pick out hundreds of simple machines that you see in one day.


  1. Looks like you understand the concept pretty well!

  2. Nicely done. Great info!

  3. i have to break up with you. Our relationship is not going well and I just feel like we as a couple do not mesh together. For example, you think a knife is a wedge when I don't think it is. I wish you the best.

    Goodbye the love :(
